Town of Newbury
Finance Committee Meeting
Wednesday July 11, 2007— 7:00 pm, Town Hall
Meeting Summary
Present: Gene Case, Bill Cooper, Larry Guay, Pete Morse, Dave Newbert, Frank Remley
Ex-Officio: Chuck Kostro, Finance Director
1. June 20 meeting minutes: Approved without further discussion
2. FY 07 Budget Update and Final Budget: Chuck Kostro presented the year-end
budget worksheet, which showed a projected surplus of $149,399.60 to close out
FY07. (See attached Budget report)
3. Proposed final transfers/adjustments to close year: Chuck proposed a final
transfer of $52,849.61 from reserves to various line item accounts, as show in
attachment A, in order to avoid line item deficits in closing out the year. He
explained that a single transfer of 37,884.04 from reserves to the DPW was
needed to cover Newbury’s share of the Plum Island beach and road repairs
needed after the April storm. This is approximately 25% of the total cost of
$153,000; the balance of that he anticipates will be reimbursed by FEMA in the
next few weeks.
4. Planning Board proposal for repairing the School House on the Lower
Green: A special request was submitted by the Planning Board on behalf of the
historic commission, for a transfer of $4,500 to cover Newbury’s share of the cost
of repairing the historic School House on Lower Green. Roof replacement,
painting, and interior structural repairs are needed at a cost of $16,900. Of this
amount, $7,000 will be received in a grant from the ENHC, $4,500 in a donation
from the Newburyport Bank, and $900 in local contributions for paint. The
remaining $4,500 was requested from the Town. Not included in the out-of-pocket
cost would be local labor for painting, clean up and project oversight to be
performed by volunteers and by the Planning Director. A contractor has been
selected after receiving three bids, and the contract will be presented to the BOS
for signing at its July 25 meeting. The Finance Committee unanimously approved
the transfer of $4,500 in funds from appropriate sources to the historic
preservation trust for this purpose.
5. Update on collection of back taxes: Chuck Kostro said that this process was
going well so far, and numerous taxpayers with arrears on the books had been in
to see him to arrange to settle their accounts. One taxpayer in particular who owes
almost $50,000 had committed to pay through a loan from a local bank.
6. Part time Assistant Collector: Chuck said that this position opening, which has
been approved by the Personnel Board, and BOS, had been posted and
advertised and that they were awaiting applications.
Line-Item Account Amount
100-132-5781-000 Reserve Fund Balance 67,391.29
100-176-5112-003 Zoning Board of Appeals Wages (105.00)
100-211-5420-000 Police - Expenses (1,279.20)
100-220-5307-000 Fire Protection Call #1 (1,082.91)
100-221-5112-000 Forest Fire Wages Protection #1 (735.41)
100-222-5433-000 Fire Alarm Maintenance (180.80)
100-223-5307-000 Hydrant Service (837.50)
100-242-5307-000 Gas Inspector Fees (353.20)
100-296-5302-000 Waterways Expense (59.98)
100-292-5595-000 Animal Control Expense (279.70)
100-420-5112-000 Highway Labor Wages (3,373.80)
100-427-5530-000 Highway Maint (37,884.04)
100-610-5112-000 Town Library - Wages (1,362.09)
100-631-5595-000 Lifeguards - Expenses (1,665.05)
100-916-5174-000 FICA Medicare Town Share (3,650.93)
Total Transfer (52,849.61)
Reserve Fund Balance Remaining 14,541.68
Reserve Encumbered Adjusted Expended
FY 2007 Fund & Adjusted FY 2007 to Remaining %
Account Name Budget Transfers Budget Budget 30-Jun-07 Budget Remaining
Moderator's Salary 100 100 100 0 0.00
Selectmen's Salaries 7,500 7,500 7,500 0 0.00
Selectmen's Expense 5,000 5,000 3,717 1,283 25.67
Selectmen Secretary Salary 39,971 317 42,315 42,314 1 0.00
Town Hall Administrative 15,000 (7,488) 7,512 5,763 1,750 23.29
Finance Committee Expense 250 250 230 20 8.00
Reserve Fund 213,027 (109,529) 67,391 67,391 100.00
Accountant's Salary 43,530 . 14,970 56,473 56,040 432 0.77
Accountant's Expense 25,000 (10,000) 15,000 12,915 2,085 13.90
Finance Director Salary 70,000 (4,970) 67,150 67,019 131 0.19
Finance Expense 36,175 25,500 85,455 83,941 1,514 1.77
Assessor's Salary 9,889 9,889 9,395 494 5.00
Assessor's Wages 39,140 341 1,594 41,075 40,952 123 0.30
Assessor's Expense 59,462 1,538 61,000 58,704 2,296 3.76
Audit Town Books 35,000 5,000 40,000 36,050 3,950 9.88
Treasurer's Salary
Collector's Salary 25,880 22,982 22,208 774 3.37
Treasurer-Collector Wages 30,051 30,051 29,555 496 1.65
Legal Services 75,000 10,000 85,000 84,988 12 0.01
Personnel Board 3,500 (1,594) 1,906 654 1,252 65.69
Town Clerk's Salary 41,642 5,647 48,066 48,066 0 0.00
Town Clerk's Wages 32,996 4,840 37,836 37,087 749 1.98
Town Clerk Stipend 1,000 1,000 1,000 0 0.00
Town Clerk's Expense 7,600 7,600 5,359 2,241 29.48
Town Code Books 4,000 6,800 6,787 13 0.19
Elections 9,600 9,600 9,126 474 4.94
Registrars of Voters Salaries 750 750 750 0 0.00
Registrars of Voters Expense 5,000 5,000 3,505 1,495 29.91
Conserv Comm Wages 8,495 1,434 9,929 9,921 9 0.09
Conserv Comm Agent Salary 32,445 14,973 8,742 56,766 56,766 0 0.00
Conservation Comm Expense 3,800 3,800 3,709 91 2.40
Tree Warden's Salary 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.00
Tree Warden Expense 14,000 3,500 17,500 14,929 2,571 14.69
Clam Flats Town Wages 5,185 5,185 423 4,762 91.84
Clam Flats Supplies *
Planning Board Wages 51,500 2,450 1,399 56,310 56,310 0 0.00
Planning Board Expense 3,500 500 4,000 3,780 220 5.49
Merr Val Plan Comm Assess 2,139 0 2,139 2,139 0 0.00
Zoning Bd of App Wages 650 250 900 1,005 (105) -11.67
Zoning Board Expense 500 500 92 409 81.70
Town Hall-Wages 11,800 12,190 12,190 0 0.00
Public Building Maintenance 47,432 42,645 36,324 6,321 14.82
Town Hall Maint. - Expense 56,620 52,039 50,801 1,238 2.38
Town Reports 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 0.00
Insurance Expense 130,000 25,000 155,000 153,457 1,543 1.00
Police - Wages 1,003,744 1,021,071 1,018,395 2,676 0.26
Emergency Mgt Director Salary 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.00
Police - Expenses 103,600 107,360 108,639 (1,279) -1.19
Fire Prot - Wages - P#1 91,500 780 94,500 90,218 4,282 4.53
Fire Prot - Wages - P#2 86,965 390 87,355 80,070 7,285 8.34
Call Fire #1 68,600 66,380 67,463 (1,083) -1.63
Call Fire #2 68,607 5,393 70,240 63,330 6,910 9.84
Fire Prot - Flat Rate - P#1 74,750 74,750 74,750 0 0.00
Fire Prot - Flat Rate - P#2 74,750 74,750 74,750 0 0.00
Forest Fires - Wages - P#1 2,500 2,500 3,235 (735) -29.42
Forest Fires - Wages - P#2 2,500 2,500 1,863 637 25.48
Fire Alarm Maintenance 6,000 6,000 6,181 (181) -3.01
Hydrant Service 11,475 11,475 12,313 (838) -7.30
Ambulance Service 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 0.00
Building Inspect Salaries 55,000 54,218 53,942 276 0.51
Asst. Building Inspector 8,742 (8,742) 0 0 0
Building Inspector - Wages 5,000 882 6,250 6,148 102 1.64
Building Inspector -Expenses 6,000 1,320 7,320 5,860 1,460 19.95
Gas Inspector Fees 7,500 7,664 8,017 (353) -4.61
Plumbing Inspector Fees 10,000 9,365 23,946 23,143 803 3.35
Sealer Wgts/Meas Serv Fees 2,500 2,500 2,250 250 10.00
Wire Inspector Fees 23,500 23,500 23,206 294 1.25
Civil Defense 1,500 1,475 0 1,475 100.00
Animal Control Officers Salary 17,108 17,108 17,108 0 0.00
Animal Control Expense 5,000 5,025 5,305 (280) -5.57
Waterways - Wages 31,806 1,178 32,234 31,895 340 1.05
Waterways Expense 15,694 2,806 19,250 19,310 (60) -0.31
Green Head Control 3,355 3,355 2,970 385 11.48
Mosquito Control 1 1 0 1 100.00
Parking Clerk - Salary 2,400 2,400 2,400 0 0.00
Parking Clerk - Expenses 600 625 625 0 0.03
Triton Regional Operation 7,135,018 7,135,018 7,135,018 0 0.00
Triton Regional Capital Improve 201,920 201,920 201,920 0 0.00
Whittier Reg'l Assess 136,918 136,893 135,891 1,002 0.73
Highway Labor - Wages 384,026 21,256 (5,000) 405,282 408,655 (3,374) -0.83
Snow Removal - Wages 35,000 (17,000) 18,000 16,348 1,652 9.18
Snow Removal - Expenses 60,000 41,464 101,464 101,464 0 0.00
Street Lighting 42,000 8,875 50,875 50,392 483 0.95
Highway Maint 80,000 75,000 112,884 (37,884) -50.51
Truck Maint - Expense 95,000 95,000 92,943 2,057 2.17
Town Garage Maint. Expense 25,000 26,750 26,071 679 2.54
Board of Health Wages 55,638 390 57,413 57,413 0 0.00
Board of Health - Expenses 267,199 259,567 217,587 41,980 16.17
Public Health Services Expense 11,872 16,369 16,169 200 1.22
Council on Aging - Wages 64,710 2,361 67,071 66,608 463 0.69
Council on Aging - Expenses 13,901 13,901 13,901 0 0.00
Veteran's Services 18,000 13,000 9,840 3,160 24.31
Chapter 59 RE Reduct over 60 4,500 (1,700) 2,625 0 2,625 100.00
Town Library - Wages 188,675 20,469 206,519 207,881 (1,362) -0.66
Town Library - Expenses 77,089 79,714 78,125 1,589 1.99
375th Anniversary Committee 375 375 375 0 0.00
Lifeguards - Wages 47,750 47,250 39,289 7,961 16.85
Lifeguards - Expenses 5,000 5,500 7,165 (1,665) -30.27
Parks - Expenses 40,000 40,000 38,461 1,539 3.85
Historic Commission Expense 650 650 154 496 76.33
Mem Day Celeb Expenses 600 600 0 600 100.00
Cost of Bonding 0 11,357 11,357 0 0.00
Long Term Debt Principal 1,309,000 1,613,164 1,613,164 0 0.00
Short Term Debt Interest 35,000 (30,356) 4,644 4,298 347 7.46
Long Term Debt Interest 900,000 (58,246) 841,754 841,739 15 0.00
Prop/Excise Interest 500 500 0 500 100.00
Cherry Sheet Charges 178,979 178,979 178,979 0 0.00
Essex County Retire System 306,000 306,000 305,869 131 0.04
Health Insurance * (& Dental) 481,601 481,601 481,125 476 0.10
Dental Insurance *
Employee Life Insurance 1,806 1,806 830 976 54.06
Medicare Town Expense 58,000 9,700 67,700 71,351 (3,651) -5.39
Total General Fund Operations 15,282,553 0 (0) 15,597,619 15,448,219 149,400 0.96